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As part of Young Bristol’s 2022-25 Strategic Priorities, the charity will be focusing on developing long-term partnerships. Developing our partnerships allows Young Bristol to strengthen services and influence, which allows young people to thrive across our youth provision.

We were thrilled to welcome the team from Hargreaves Lansdown as they volunteered their time at BS14 Youth Club. The team worked hard to clear back trees in our car park and cleared out and refurbished the cupboard spaces.

The cleaning cupboard at BS14 is one of the final rooms that needed updating and refurbishing. This space was well-used and lacked storage spaces. The group built some storage units and painted the room, giving it a fresh new look and making it easier to navigate.


Our car park was also in need of some work. Trees and plant had been overgrowing, making it dangerous for our YCOW to park as the trees had been scratching the roof. The team were able to chop some of the dangerous branches away. This now has left a safe space for our YCOW to park, with no worries it will be damaged.


"Brilliant day volunteering with YB. Great to see how much impact they have on communities across Bristol. It was lovely to be able to give a helping hand in ensuring the BS14 youth club is the best place it could be." 

-Anna Louden, Proposition Executive, Hargreaves Lansdown.


"We had a great day volunteering our time and learning about the brilliant work the BS14 Youth Club and Young Bristol does for the local community. The organising of the day was great and the staff were really welcoming."

-Jon Hybs, Proposition Executive, Hargreaves Lansdown.

Thank you Hargreaves Lansdown for your amazing support this week! It’s great to work with corporate organisations to improve our facilities across our network.


If you would like to find out more about how you can volunteer for Young Bristol, click here!

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As part of Young Bristol’s 2022-25 Strategic Priorities, the charity will be focusing on developing long-term partnerships. Developing our partnerships allows Young Bristol to strengthen services and influence, which allows young people to thrive across our youth provision.

We were excited to welcome the team from Core3 as they volunteered their time at Ashton Vale Club for Young People this week.  The team worked hard to help us build new storage spaces, and make our outside space a safer environment for young people.


The afternoon started with the group building storage shelves, which were used to make our upstairs room more tidy and easier to navigate. Previously, this space was unused as it was messy and had no place to store items.

The group then litter picked around our new football court. This made our court and outdoor area a cleaner and safer space for young people to use. It was great to see them working collaborate while enjoying the sunshine!


Thank you Core3 for your amazing support this week! It’s great to work with corporate organisations to improve our facilities across our network.

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This week, June 1st - June 7th, Young Bristol are celebrating National Volunteer Week!

We would like to thank all our volunteers, across our club network and throughout the management committee for the countless hours and tireless efforts they have all offered towards Young Bristol. Their admired contributions are invaluable to our charity.


Currently, we have 10 amazing volunteers across our Community Youth Club network. They make positive impacts daily when engaging with our young people.

Young Bristol also value the ongoing dedication from our voluntary fundraising committee and trustee board. Our management committee's play a crucial role in the communities we serve.

We have previously been awarded The Queens Award for Voluntary Service, in recognition of the incredible contributions from our volunteers!


We asked some of our volunteers why they have chosen to volunteer their time towards Young Bristol.

Teanna Pilgrim, a volunteer at BS14 said,

"I volunteer for Young Bristol to gain experience working with children of varied ages. I quite enjoy putting myself out there in new environments, with different people to gain more knowledge and skills on how to communicate and engage with others. All that I will learn over the coming months, I hope to implement in the future as a ski instructor. It is really interesting to get to know the young people and find out about their interests and support their growth. Young Bristol is a really open and inclusive safe space to explore and engage and have fun."

David Swannell, a volunteer across our club network added,

​"Katrina and I are volunteering as we would like to get experience working with children. We are hoping to start the adoption process soon. Although initially challenging, I definitely learn something new every time. I now find it really enjoyable and rewarding, and it’s something I look forward to every week!"

Kassim Hanid, a member of the YB Trustee board said,

​"I volunteer as Trustee for Young Bristol to help provide sustainability and stability for the organisation. I enjoy the role as being part of Charity governance because it enables the organisation to provide a quality and accountable service for young people, many of whom are socially vulnerable. I also feel that it is important as a Black member of the community, to be part of the strategic development of an organisation that exists to provide  all young people with opportunities to discover what they are capable of, regardless of who they are."


Thank you to all of our past and present volunteers for offering your precious time towards YB. We value all your hard work and dedication!

If you would like to take part in volunteering for Young Bristol, click here!

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As part of our 2022-25 strategic priorities, Young Bristol is focussing on delivering high quality, open-access Programmes and Youth Work to young people.

After a busy half term, we finished the week off with a Silent Disco. We saw young people from across our club network to enjoy the day packed full of different activities!


First activity of the day was a general disco! Both young people and staff gathered in the sports hall to show off their best moves. We even had some keen DJ's selecting the music.


After warming up, it was then time to play a game of musical statues! We saw some enthusiastic dancers in the group, freezing in some amazing poses. A small prize was given to the winner for their efforts.


The group then decided to come together and do some classic party dances! From the Macarena to Cha Cha Slide, it was great to see both young people and staff dancing along.


This fun-filled day finished with a large game of dodgeball. Staff played against young people in some very tense matches. The clear winners of both matches were the young people, demonstrating the amazing sports skills they learn across our club network.


It was great to see everyone enjoying such a different activity. Thank you both staff and young people for making this another amazing Interclub event! The Silent Disco is a great activity for everyone to remember.

To find out more about our Community Youth Clubs, click here!

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This Year, Young Bristol hosted the annual 100 mile Canoe Test 2023! This years was the 58th, and the first after Covid!

This bank holiday weekend, young people associated with Young Bristol and other amazing youth organisations from across the country took part in the NABGC Canoe Test 2023! The challenging test took place over 4 days across the River Wye.

​This was the first national water-based event hosted by Young Bristol on behalf of NABGC since Covid, and the group had some amazing weather to round off the weekend!

Young people overcame the personally challenging event, with some canoeing up to an incredible 75 miles! The Canoe Test taught the group some life changing skills, which they can continue to use on their adventures - from preparing their food to setting up their own tent to camp in.

Four days of canoeing down the River Wye was all under the expert guidance of Young Bristol's Commercial Activities team, ably supported by three adult volunteers who gave up their bank holidays to help young people participate in this amazing experience!

We would like to say thank you to everyone who made this years Canoe Test a truly unforgettable event for everyone taking part!

To find out how you can get involved with our Outdoor Activities, click here!

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Join Young Bristol at our Pie and Prosecco Quiz Night, helping to raise vital funds for young people!

Guests will start the evening with a glass of Prosecco (or non-alcoholic alternative), served with a pie, provided by Pieminister, before partaking in our quiz, hosted by Joe Sims! There are some amazing prizes up to be won by the top three teams.

PLUS a chance to win a night for 2 at Stanton House Hotel. Dinner and breakfast included! Take part in a game of “Heads or Tails” as well our raffle to be in for a chance to win some other incredible prizes!

Ticket price includes entry to our Quiz night plus Pie and Prosecco on arrival. Our raffle and bar may require extra costs.

Ticket price: £15 per person. Teams of 6 are encourage but not essential.

Location: BS14 Stockwood Youth Club, Stockwood Lane, BS14 8SJ.

Click here to purchase your tickets

To find out more about our upcoming events, click here!

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This week at The Grove @ Bedminster Down, staff from across our network came together and strengthened their friendships at our networking evening.

The networking evening began with a delicious BBQ. Our Club Lead at The Grove, Jesse, kindly prepared burgers and sausages for everyone to enjoy. The group used this time as an opportunity to catch up with each other and find out what had been happening across the network.


After everyone had eaten their BBQ, it was time to start the networking evening. Our staff started some group work by encouraging each other to share good things that happened across the clubs since the last networking event. It was great to hear what amazing work they had been doing over the last few months.

We then saw an engaging presentation and activity from Shea Stew, our Mobile Provision Lead. Shea was able to teach everyone about detached youth work. The team put themselves into smaller groups, and acted out a scenario with a young person and a youth worker. This was a good way for them to learn new skills when practising detached youth work.

Thank you to The Grove @ Bedminster Down's Youth Club staff for hosting the networking evening. The group all enjoyed the delicious BBQ.

To find out more about our Community Youth Club network, click here!

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Young Bristol value the amazing contributions corporate partners have made throughout our journey. Without their valued input, we would struggle to provide modern, engaging facilities for young people! 

Recently, Vinci kindly offered to re-develop the car park area at BS14 Stockwood Youth Club. This space is now a functional space for young people and the wider community! The garden can now be used as a place to promote well-being and be used for informal educational activities.

This week, Young Bristol hosted the grand opening of our well-being garden. We invited Vinci staff as well as local Stockwood residents to enjoy the event. The grand opening saw an amazing number of people, ranging from local police to local councillors!

The first activity on the agenda was for our Patron, HM Lord-Lieutenant Peaches Golding OBE CStJ to meet young people in our after-school club. The group had some questions to ask her. It was great hearing the amazing questions they came up with!

After the young people had asked all their questions, they were kindly gifted some goody bags, put together by Vinci. The bags included a Hi-Vis vest, with Vinci and Young Bristol logos printed on the back. Credits to Vinci for putting together these thoughtful gifts.


It was then finally time to cut the ribbon and let everyone explore our garden. The honour of cutting the rope was given to our Patron, Peaches. After attempting to cut the ribbon with her sword, we decided it would be best to use scissors instead!

When our guests had finished exploring the new garden, we invited everyone to join our formal tree planting ceremony, where our patron planted a fruit tree. Young people were then able to enjoy planting their own flowers around the tree. It was great to see their enthusiasm as they got their hands dirty and planted the new flowers.


Finally, we gifted Vinci a tasty cake and flowers in a handmade pot. The pot was beautifully hand painted by Holly, our Corporates and Events Fundraising Lead! This gift was a token to show our appreciation to the hard work and generosity that Vinci have shown throughout this process.

Thank you Vinci for refurbishing our car park, making it a usable space for young people and staff! To find out more about our youth club facilities, click here!

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Young Bristol value the ongoing dedication and contribution from our volunteers. Volunteers play a crucial role in enabling us to impact the communities we serve. Without their tireless efforts, we would struggle to achieve the collective impact we strive for! In recognition of the contribution from our volunteers, we have previously been awarded the Queens Award for Volunteers.

Earlier this month, we had the opportunity to nominate a number of our volunteers to attend the Kings Coronation Garden Party held at Buckingham Palace.

Kassim Hanid was one of our volunteers to attend the Buckingham Palace Garden Party. He has made significant contributions to Young Bristol as a trustee for many years. Kassim was delighted to be nominated to attend the garden party, attending with his partner Marcia.

After attending the garden party Kassim said:

"Marcia and I enjoyed every minute of our time there - especially the comments on Marcia's outfit both at the event and the walk back to the car!"

Steve and Helen Price both also attended the garden party. The pair were nominated as they have shown amazing dedication to Avon Youth Club's management board. After the event, we heard from Helen Price, who said:

"What a wonderful day we had! It was such a big honour to attend."


We would like to thank everyone that has got involved with volunteering at Young Bristol! The contributions you make are invaluable to us.

Volunteering has a positive, long lasting effect on the charity. To find out how you can volunteer at Young Bristol, click here.

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