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As part of Young Bristol’s 2022-25 Strategic Priorities, the charity will be focusing on developing long-term partnerships. 

Developing our partnerships allows Young Bristol to strengthen services and influence, which allows young people to thrive across our youth provision.

We were delighted to welcome the team from Unite Students to BS14 Youth Club, where they volunteered to help with maintenance of our well-being garden.

Our well-being garden and car park were in desperate need of maintenance, with winter quickly approaching. The group weeded around the club, tidied our hedgerows and overgrown brushes and gave the garden a makeover. The team used seed and plants kindly donated by Vinci!

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On Sunday 15th October, 7 runners signed up to run the Bath Half Marathon, raising money for Young Bristol!

Runners set off from Royal Avenue, racing 2 laps hugging the River Avon and completing the Bath Half by returning to Royal Avenue. Our 7 runners, fundraising for Young Bristol set off from the starting line around 10:20am. Each of our runners pledged to raised us at least £250, and each one smashed this target!

Justin stated: 

"The day was perfect for running. The build up was easier knowing you're raising money for such a worthwhile cause!"

Angad added: 

"I have really enjoyed fundraising because of the work Young Bristol does. On the day, I really liked the vest. It was quite a challenge, but I enjoyed it all-in-all."

Jack also shared:

"It was great to have a vest which made it feel like more of a team event as opposed to individuals. I felt welcomed as part of the team!"
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Over the last four months, former Young Bristol employee, Lisa, cycled around the UK to raise money for our charity!

Lisa cycled a grand total of 4,426 miles, starting and ending her journey from Bristol. She travelled around the coast of Wales and up to far norths of Scotland! Some of her favourite places she visited on her travels were West coasts of Scotland, Isle of Wight and Holy Island Causeway.

"It was great being able to see the UK on a bike. I had the chance to see the UK at a slower pace and meet new people along the way. It was such an adventure! Everyone has been so helpful and friendly along the way."

"I chose to fundraise for Young Bristol as I believe they do an awful lot for young people. They are able to give an increasing amount of young people access to a range of adventures!"

From her travels, Lisa has been able to raise over £3,400 for Young Bristol, and this continues to rise! Donate to Lisa's fundraiser.

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As part of Young Bristol’s 2022-25 Strategic Priorities, the charity will be focusing on developing long-term partnerships. Developing our partnerships allows Young Bristol to strengthen services and influence, which allows young people to thrive across our youth provision.

We were thrilled to welcome the team from SUEZ, who volunteered at BS14 Youth Club to help with outdoor maintenance.

Our Youth Club On Wheels currently lives in the car park of BS14 Youth Club. As the trees down the lane have continued to grow, the mobile struggles to drive down the lane without being scratched and damaged. The overgrown bushes and trees were in desperate need of trimming, so our mobile would not become more damaged.

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Last week, our Community Youth Club team took part in LGBTQ+ training.

The LGBTQ+ training was delivered to our staff at Ashton Vale Club for Young People by Off The Record - a mental health social movement for young people aged 11-25.

During the training, the team looked at the importance of identity and pronouns, initial perceptions when you first meet people and assumptions that could be made. 

This training was beneficial for our team and helped them to gain confidence when engaging in conversations with young people around this topic. The group even looked at some scenarios and how they would safely and appropriately approach each situation.


Thank you Off The Record for delivering an amazing session of LGBTQ+ training. It was great for the team to get together and discuss the topic and how they can apply this training in our Community Youth Clubs.

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This week, The Grove @ Bedminster Down joined a number of different youth clubs to take part in the final session of NatWest Thrive with Marcus Rashford!

Our first group of young people this year have graduated from the NatWest Thrive programme with Marcus Rashford! This amazing programme has helped young people at The Grove think about their goals, learn new life skills and develop good money habits.

We heard some inspiring words for Luke Vernon, who hosted the NatWest Thrive graduation. He recognised all young peoples achievements across the programme, and the group enjoyed virtually interacting across Zoom.

The team at The Grove won a prize for finding the most things around their club starting with the letter "t". They smashed this activity by finding an outstanding 34 items around the club!

This was a night to remember for Sennen as she won a Natwest Thrive award. Sennen was nominated for this award for her commitment throughout the Thrive programme. She put in 100% effort into all of the sessions and saw an increase in her financial literacy skills as result of the programme.

Thank you to NatWest, NYA and Marcus Rashford for hosting the NatWest Thrive programme. This has helped our young people build self-belief and money knowhow, so they feel confident to reach for their dreams!

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This week, Young Bristol were delighted to host our Golf Day and Dinner. We invited 40 golfers to Long Ashton Golf Course, to take part in the club's 18-hole course.

Guests started the day with a bacon roll, hot drink and goody bag! Lots of our teams arrived early, eager to start their day of golf! While teams waited for their tee time, they had the opportunity to network and mingle with other teams. Tee off began from 1:00pm!

Once teams began to return from the 18-hole course, teams tucked into their choice of dinners. Teams chose from lasagna, Steak and Ale pie or Ham, egg and chips!

After all our teams had their dinner, we announced the winners of our golf day. The winning team received a bottle of prosecco, golf club covers and a sleeve of YB branded balls. The runners up of the competition won golf club covers and a sleeve of YB branded balls. Third places winners won a sleeve of YB branded balls. Congratulations to our top 3 teams for winning their prizes.

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We are delighted to publish this years Impact Report 2022-23. Our Impact report demonstrates the positive impact Young Bristol continue to have on an increasing number of young people, in and around Bristol.

This years report will be released at our Fundraising Golf Day, Monday 18th September 2023! Our Golf Day is welcoming 10 teams from a range of corporate partners to take part in an 18-hole competition at Long Ashton Golf Club.

We cannot do this on our own, so I would like to acknowledge the incredible efforts and support offered to us by so many supporters.

Our key highlights:

  • 20,562 contacts with young people.
  • 1,489 sessions delivered during 2022-23.
  • 1,818 unique individuals supported
  • 50 qualifications gained from our Outdoor Employment Programme
  • 16 communities supported.

"The youth club means everything to me, it literally saved me."

Download our 2022-23 Impact Report

Read our previous reports here.

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As our Summer Holiday Provision coming to an end, we hosted an end of Summer celebration at BS14 Youth Club!

This week, Young Bristol hosted an Interclub Summer Celebration! We had senior and junior teams from across our club network that joined up to compete in a football tournament. We then went on to host a BBQ in BS14's new wellbeing garden!

The day brought together young people from Ashton Vale Club for Young People, BS14 Stockwood Youth Club, Hartcliffe Club for Young People and The Grove @ Bedminster Down. Young people even played against a local team of PCSO's.

We started the morning by getting the teams together at the Stockwood Wanderers ground. A huge thank you to the team at Stockwood Wanderers for letting us use your pitches to host this activity!

The Interclub football tournament then began with the 9 teams playing each other in a round robin format. Each game had a large group of supporters cheering them on from the sideline. While teams were playing, our other teams practiced their footballing skills on the surrounding pitches.

After a long day of playing football, we brought everyone together to announce our finalists! The junior finals put Ashton Vale and BS14 head to head. The senior finals had Hartcliffe and The Grove playing against each other. Both our finals resulted in a penalty shoot-out! Tensions were high, with some amazing saves from our goal keepers and some great shots from the young people.


After two tense penalty shoot outs, Ashton Vale were awarded the junior trophy. Hartcliffe were then awarded the Senior trophy. Congratulations to both teams!

After the final game was over, we went on to the presentation. The referee gave the winners medals and a trophy! The trophies will be engraved with the winning clubs name and displayed in the club!

Well done to all of our young people for taking part. We would like to thank all of the teams for showing great sportsmanship and playing so well! It was great to see them interact with young people from different clubs and making new friends.

To find out more about our Community Youth Clubs, click here!

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